About us

Diamond Online

Diamond Online is Japan’s premier online source for analysis of business and the economy, financial markets and current affairs. It operates together with Japan’s leading journal, Diamond Weekly. The English-language site offers selected articles from the Japanese-language Diamond Online and original articles written by journalists, policy makers, scholars and opinion leaders.

Diamond, Inc.

Diamond, Inc. was founded by Kenkichi Ishiyama with the publication of the first issue of Economic Magazine Diamond in May 1913. The statement commemorating the first issue notes his steadfast determination to “contribute to socioeconomic development,” “speak the truth through numbers,” and “adopt a global perspective.” Diamond, Inc. has been adapting to the changing needs of the times by expanding the topics that it covers to include self-help, education, and practical guidance. It currently publishes books in a wide variety of genres, as well as magazines such as Diamond Weekly, Diamond Harvard Business Review and Diamond ZAi (Wealth). It has also developed online media like “Diamond Online” and “ZAi Online” and offers seminars and educational services.

Company Profile

Corporate Name
Diamond, Inc.
Tetsuya Ishida
May 1913
140 million yen
Head office
6-12-17 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8409, Japan