iPhone thieves across the country are locking people out of their Apple accounts and draining their bank accounts—sometimes before victims even know what happened. How do they do it and how can you protect yourself? WSJ’s Joanna Stern investigates. Photo illustration: Elena Scotti, Kenny WassusiPhone thieves across the country are locking people out of their Apple accounts and draining their bank accounts—sometimes before victims even know what happened. How do they do it and how can you protect yourself? WSJ’s Joanna Stern investigates. Photo illustration: Elena Scotti, Kenny Wassus

【ニューヨーク】感謝祭(11月の第4木曜日)の週末の未明、人事情報分析のスタートアップ企業でシニアエコノミストとして働くレイハン・アヤスさん(31)がミッドタウンマンハッタン地区のバーを出ようとした際、さっき出会ったばかりの男に「iPhone(アイフォーン)13 Pro Max(プロ・マックス)」を奪われた。

