Do you have any plans after this?」を使ったビジネス英会話

A:Do you have any plans after this?
B:I was very busy with my work, but now I feel comfortable.
A:You told me about futsal.I’d like to ask you about it in more detail.
Can we have a talk over lunch?
A:Great. Let’s meet in front of the elevator at 12:00.

A:Do you have any plans after this?
B:I have to leave right now and won’t be back to the office till this evening.
A:I see. You told me about futsal.I’d like to ask you about it in more detail.
Can we have a talk over lunch?
B:Of course. I’m available the day after tomorrow.
A:That’s good. Let’s meet in front of the elevator at noon.


What are your plans for today?
What are you doing after this?
Are you free after this?
Are you busy after this?
Are you busy today?