

We should be focusing on Education for Sustainable Development, as the key theme for Corporate Social Responsibility program. The reasons are following. First, the most importantly, the society recognizes its importance and needs of support from the industry sector. Second, this is the theme that our company can contribute the most, given the technical expertise on environmental sciences. Third, it is the best topic to engage the employees because many of them are interested in helping children. The next step is to discuss this with other countries and see if it can be a regional activity.


We are proposing to focus on Education for Sustainable Development, as the key theme for Corporate Social Responsibility program.

The reasons are following.
1. The most importantly, the society recognizes its importance and needs for support from the industry sector.
2. This is the theme that our company can contribute the most, given the technical expertise on environmental sciences.
3. Third, it is the best topic to engage the employees because many of them are interested in helping children.

The next step is to discuss this with other countries and see if it can be a regional activity.





『P&Gで学んだ世界一やさしいビジネス英語』 発売中!


理系出身で、まるで英語のできなかった著者がP&Gというグローバル企業に入って直面したのが 「仕事で使える英語力」。すぐにでも英語で仕事をしなければいけない環境下で身につけたノウハウを公開する。必要なレベルは中学英語。少ない語彙力で相手 にわからないことを聞きながら、理解し、合意していくという手法で、明日からでも実践できる。外資系企業で生き抜いていくのに必要なテクニックも満載。

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